Emmaus Historical Society
emmaus historical society grand opening celebration

We’re the Emmaus Historical Society.

We’re so thrilled to have you here to learn more about the Emmaus Historical Society, our mission, vision and and the founders who made it possible.


Our Mission

The mission of the Emmaus historical society is to collect, preserve and exhibit Emmaus artifacts, documents, histories, photographs and genealogy for displays and research and to offer educational programs and events throughout the year.

Emmaus Historical Society History

Citizens of the Borough of Emmaus, interested in preserving the rich and textured history of their village and its artifacts, held an initial planning meeting on February 19, 1992 at Emmaus Borough Hall. Present at that original meeting were: Andre Fatula, Martha Corbett, Russell and Margaret Kerstetter, Patricia Shirock, Ann Bartholomew, John Yakshe, John Corbett, Carol Schultz, Bruce Bear, Edward Burian, Susan Hebelka, Daniel DeLong, Guy and Betty Wambold, Roy Hopper and Mayor Robert Bastian.

As of March of 1992, the fledgling Society had no collections, no money in the treasury, and no permanent meeting place. The Borough of Emmaus allowed the Society to use their address for receiving mail, but they had no telephone. During those early meetings in 1992, the discussions focused on finding a site, acquiring a collection of artifacts and memorabilia, and working on the bylaws and constitution. The original steering committee also needed to apply for tax exempt status and acquire a charter. In April 1993, the Emmaus Historical Society officially became a non-profit organization and was still working to acquire tax-exempt status.

The homeless Society continued to grow in membership and in collections and treasury. In September of 1998, Ardath Rodale gave $4,800 to pay for a year’s rent at 244 Main Street where the Society could store and display its collection of artifacts. In December of 1998 the Society accepted a check for $200,000, a Pennsylvania State Grant orchestrated by retiring State Representative, Donald Snyder, to purchase the Doctor Albert Kratzer property at 563 Chestnut Street, Emmaus. The sale was finalized in March 1999. After renovations and moving of the displays and collections, the 563 Chestnut Street property finally gave the Emmaus Historical Society a permanent home in December 1999. For over sixteen years, the Society grew and now owns and maintains a vast collection of Emmaus memorabilia.

By 2008, the Society had 600 members, a permanent home and monthly membership meetings featuring interesting historic programming. The Society began discussions for expansion, as the Museum and Visitor’s Center continued to bulge at the seams and membership continued to grow. Bill Barto, long an involved and contributing member of the Society, mentioned how the Society should be located in his beautiful and spacious home at 218 Main Street. In February of 2014, settlement occurred and renovations began once again for The Emmaus Historical Society. The grand opening at 218 Main Street was held in September 2015.

Membership continues to grow. As of December 31, 2019, the Society had over 1,100 members. The Society’s collection has also grown over the years. In December 2015, the Schwar Genealogy Library was donated to complement our archival library. The generosity of members, the Emmaus Community and friends of the Society continues with ever increasing donations of memorabilia. ‘New’ old artifacts inspire new displays and exhibits enjoyed by the many visitors to the Museum. Artifact inventory consists of thousands of items: from – buttons and bows; to– a dowry chest and a desk, as well as a cast iron stove and a hitching post! Photographs and correspondence, books and programs highlight the lives and times of Emaus/Emmaus.

Over 1,000 visitors annually enjoy the Museum. We conduct private tours and visits for many civic and youth organizations, as well as members of class reunions. The Society also partners with various organizations in the community to educate and entertain while preserving Emmaus’ history.


Meet Our Board


President - Linda Boehmer

Linda is a longtime resident of Emmaus and currently serves on the Board of the Emmaus Remembrance Garden. She is Chair of the Society’s Fundraising Committee as well as serving on the Museum, Display and Special Events Committees. Linda also represents the Historical Society at the Heritage Keepers of the Greater Lehigh Valley.

Vice President – Andrew Kerstetter

Andrew grew up in Emmaus and his family extends back eleven generations to one of the founding fathers, Sebastian Knauss. His grandparents were two of the original founders of the Emmaus Historical Society. Andrew is the Museum Curator, Chair of the Collections, Display, Membership and Special Events Committees and serves on the Buildings & Grounds, Programs and Fundraising Committees as well. 

Treasurer – Nick DeOliviera

After purchasing an old Victorian house in Emmaus, Nick became involved with the Historical Society to see what he could learn about his new home. This connection led him not only to some fascinating local history, but also a warm welcoming from the best neighbors a person could possibly hope for. With a deep passion surrouning historical architecture and woodworking, Nick is the owner of Heritage Fine Construction and specialized in remodeling and restoration work within the area’s many historic properties. He believes that to create the best future outcomes, it is crucial for us to carefully study the past.

Recording Secretary –Mary Parsell

Mary grew up in Emmaus and her family goes back several generations. They were active in both the Moravian and UCC churches. While in high school she worked at the Emmaus Town Hall in a clerical position. She retired from Air Products after 34 years as an administrative assistant. She volunteered with Special Olympics for many years, has volunteered at Boutique at the Rink to support St. Luke’s Cancer Center and has been a volunteer at her local church.Linda is a longtime resident of Emmaus and very active in the community having served on various organizations’ Boards. Along with her husband, she was named 2018 Volunteer of the Year by the Emmaus Borough Council.  Linda serves on the Museum, Membership, Special Events and Newsletter Committees. 

Corresponding Secretary – Teri Sorg-McManamon

Teri’s passion for volunteerism and service learning traces back to her first days as a volunteer when she was eleven years old. With a degree in marketing and graduate certifications in nonprofit management, she continues to volunteer as a board member for several Emmaus and Lehigh Valley organizations. As an elected official for the Borough of Emmaus, Teri has worked, lived and volunteered here for 30 years and received the 2014 Emmaus Volunteer of the Year Award. Teri is passionate about our Borough and ensuring we retain its beauty and historic legacy through strong leadership and creative strategies among all of the organizations in Emmaus.

Director – Albert Wieand

Al is a life long resident of Emmaus and his family’s involvement in the community goes back many generations as business owners and educators.  Albert serves on the Finance, Museum, Special Events and Buildings and Grounds Committees.

Director – Linda Waddell

Linda is a longtime resident of Emmaus and very active in the community having served on various organizations’ Boards. Along with her husband, she was named 2018 Volunteer of the Year by the Emmaus Borough Council.  Linda serves on the Museum, Membership, Special Events and Newsletter Committees. 

Director – Michael Henry, Esq.

Michael’s family goes back ten generations in Emmaus to Sebastian Knauss. He is currently a Trustee at Emmaus Moravian Church and a member of the Board of Directors of the Wildlands Conservancy and Minsi Trails Council, BSA. Michael serves on the Emmaus Historical Society’s Finance and Museum Committees.

Director –

Director – Michelle Capehart

Michelle is a lifelong resident of the Emmaus area. She is currently an elementary school librarian after many years as a learning support teacher. Previously, she was a member of the Board of Christian Education at St. John’s UCC as well as a Sunday School teacher.

Director – Debra Hoffman

Deb is a life-long resident of Emmaus and has previously served on the board of the Friends of the 1803 house, volunteered for the Emmaus Main Street program, and her local church.

Parliamentarian – John J. Zettlemoyer Jr., Esq.

John was born and raised in Pennsylvania and is a longtime resident of Emmaus. He served in the US Navy during the Vietnam War. He partners with his daughter in their Emmaus law practice. He has served as both a Magisterial and District Judge in Emmaus and surrounding communities as well as on the Boards of several area non-profit organizations. John currently serves as a member of the Emmaus General Authority and is acting general counsel for the Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Church District.